Well done to Lisa Mc Loughlin who took on the huge challenge of developing a calendar as a fund raising initiative for the benefit of the Oncology Day Care Centre at Wexford General Hospital and the Irish Cancer Society. Along with the calendar, Lisa took part in another fund raiser and had great fun in the process! All proceeds from a Zumba class held on Friday night will go towards these 2 very worthy causes. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated.
The recent bereavement of a close family member motivated Lisa to get involved in fund raising. As well as being a focal point for her, she wanted to do something positive for those that helped her family at a very difficult time and to help others in the future who will be touched by cancer by furthering cancer research through the Irish Cancer Society.
Well done Lisa and a huge thank you for all your hard work. Please support Lisa at the launch of her calendar this Friday at the Riverbank House Hotel.